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How to reduce acidity naturally


Acidity: Problems like acidity and heartburn often arise due to irregularities in this situation. If this problem occurs frequently, then you can have some special drinks. 

You will benefit from it. Another good thing is that these drinks have no side effects. How to make a homemade drink to relieve acidity and heartburn.

Ginger Tea: The antibacterial properties present in ginger are beneficial for killing the bacteria responsible for acidity in the body. Soak ginger in water for a while to make this drink. If the colour of the water changes, mix it with honey and drink it. Eating ginger is also good for sore throats. You can drink ginger tea daily in the winter.

Cumin Water: Cumin water is very beneficial for instantly soothing heartburn. The fiber and minerals present in cumin improve digestion. It also improves metabolism and relieves stomach pain. To prepare this drink, boil 2 teaspoons of cumin seeds in 2 cups of water for ten minutes. Now drink it lukewarm.

Aloe Vera Juice: The anti-inflammatory properties in aloe vera strengthen the digestive process. It removes many stomach problems. Drinking its juice relieves a person from both stomach irritation and pain.  [you can also check out the Why are women more attracted to bearded men]

Fennel water: Fennel is very helpful in removing problems like heartburn, diarrhea, blood purification, and weight loss. For this, you can eat some fennel seeds, either raw or fried. Besides, you can drink fennel water on an empty stomach in the morning to digest the food of the previous day. Soak 1 teaspoon of fennel in 1 cup of water overnight. In the morning, boil a little water with fennel and drink it. If you want to get rid of acidity immediately, chew 1 teaspoon of fennel and drink 1 glass of warm water.

Sour yogurt: Any yogurt is a good source of beneficial bacteria, and it helps our digestion. You can make a drink by mixing yogurt with water and drinking it.  [Boys like that habit of girls]

Herbal tea : Herbal tea is made from the leaves of various medicinal plants. This herbal tea is rich in powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Herbal tea aids in digestion and helps relieve gastric pain.

Apple cider vinegar: It creates an acidic microenvironment in the gut and also activates digestive enzymes. It thus aids in digestion, reduces pain, and treats gastric problems like colic and bloating.

Cloves: Cloves have been used since ancient times for flatulence, gastric pain, flatulence, constipation, etc. Chewing cloves or drinking a cup of tea with clove powder mixed with cardamom after meals reduces acidity and helps eliminate excess gas.

High-fiber foods: High-fiber foods such as nuts, seeds, vegetables, berries, and green leafy vegetables improve digestion and help reduce gastric pain.

Bananas: They are rich in potassium and natural antacids that act as a buffer against acid reflux.

Tulsi leaves: Tulsi leaves stimulate the production of mucus-like substances in the stomach. It has cooling and carminative properties that help reduce the action of gastric acid.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is the remedy for most digestive problems. It contains natural antacids that improve digestion and enhance absorption.

Mint leaves: Mint leaves slow acid secretion and improve digestion. This leaf also has a cooling effect. It reduces the pain and burning sensations associated with acid reflux.

Cardamom: Cardamom is helpful in improving digestion and relieving stomach cramps. It eliminates excess acid secretion.



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