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Why are women more attracted to bearded men?

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Bearded men-The value of beard has increased among men in the latest fashion! Not only men but also women are valued by bearded men. However, this is not a new thing, but it has been happening for ages. The value of the beard is the same as it was in the past.

It is very normal for a man to have a beard. And the custom of wearing this beard was also among the high-ranking men of the ancient Egyptian civilization. At present, many statesmen and stars also wear beards. That's why Beard Look is now a matter of practice.

According to a 1983 study, beards change a man's appearance. As a result, the bearded Luke looks more beautiful than the clean shaven. It makes a man seem more mature, influential, confident, brave, generous, and hardworking.

Another 1991 study found that bearded men were more attractive and younger than clean shaven men. According to a 2012 study, European women in New Zealand and Polynesian women in Samoa consider bearded men to be mature and have higher social status.

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Recent studies suggest that men with beards are more likely to be influential. Even in various cases, feminists are less supportive of bearded men. Because they seem to be more violent and masculine than clean shaven men.

Even children have fantasies about bearded men. In one study, children were asked to draw a picture of a scientist. Most of the children drew pictures of bearded men.

According to another study, people with thick and thick beards believe in long. They are even thought to be good parents.

Now let's find out why women are more attracted to men's beards?

In a 2016 study, about 6,000 women were shown pictures of 36 men. It can be seen that after seeing that picture, women preferred men with beards. In this case, having a beard makes a man look more mature and masculine. The women said that even the fact that they are more confident proves that.

But women do not like all kinds of beards. According to the Medical Daily, scientists in New South Wales asked 351 women a number of questions. Through this question, it is known that women prefer the length of beard which is exactly 10 days after shaving.

Women like beards but do not like mustaches. In one study, 2,500 women voted. The results show that 8.4 percent of them only like people with mustaches.
(How to grow a beard, do women like beards, beards, beards, bearded men: do bearded men prefer men for women? Like beard, it will be discussed in more detail in the coming days.)

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