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Egg is good for heart

Egg for heart

Is eating eggs good for the heart-Eggs rich in nutrition are everyone's favorite. Eggs help to fill the protein deficiency in the body. However, the question of whether people with heart complications should eat eggs is a long one. Some people forbid eating eggs if they have heart problems, on the other hand some research says that eggs keep the heart healthy.

A recent study by Peking University in China found that the relationship between eating eggs and cholesterol metabolism in plasma. The test was performed on a total of 48 people. Of these, 3401 had heart problems. And 136 people had no such problem. Scientists examine the various elements present in plasma in a method called 'targeted nuclear magnetic resonance.[Liver cancer- Complicated disease is liver cancer]

Studies have shown that people who ate regular but moderate amounts of eggs had higher levels of a protein called 'apolipoprotein A-1'. This protein is the main ingredient in an ingredient called HDL. This is extremely beneficial in controlling HDL cholesterol. And if the cholesterol is under control, the heart is also good. However, the researchers themselves acknowledged that more research is needed to be sure about the benefits of eggs.


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