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How to delete an Instagram account permanently

how to permanently delete instagram

How to delete an Instagram account permanently or delete an Instagram account for a while - How to deactivate an Instagram account. You can delete Instagram account on Android phone or delete Instagram account from computer. It is discussed below to deactivate:

How to backup Instagram account:

It's a good idea to start backing up your account, this way you can recover photos and videos uploaded to your profile.

To back up your mobile follow these steps:

Open the Instagram app
Click on the icon, this will bring Logo menu your Profile .
Click on "Settings "
Click on "Privacy & Security"
Click on " Account Data"
Click "Download Data" to make sure the email address displayed is correct
Click "Download Request"
Enter your password and click Finish

how to deactivate instagram account permanently

When you reach the end of the process, a confirmation email will be sent to your email address. after your Open the email and click on the link you will find there to download all your profile data.

After the backup procedure can also be performed from a PC. 

Your PC Open your browser and go to Instagram. Please Enter your username and your password to access your account. After logging in to your profile, follow these simple steps:

Click on the logo icon at the top of the screen
Click on "Edit Profile"
Select "Security and Privacy"
Click on "Download Data"
To complete the operation you need to click login again and enter the password and proceed to login. Wait until the zip file is ready to be saved and click download data to save all your profile data.

How to delete Instagram account from phone:

You wish to permanently delete your Instagram account, please note that the procedure is unchangeable. If you have to re-think and restore the profile, there is no way you can do it.
If you wish to delete your Instagram account from your smartphone, you cannot proceed using the application downloaded from the Android store which you usually use for Instagram. To delete your account you need to use a browser Safari, Chrome on your phone or use a browser of your choice.
Start the browser and click "Qui" or type the following url in the top bar: www.instagram.com/accounts/remove/request/permanent/
Enter your details to access your profile, after opening the page, select one of the reasons available in the menu "Why are you deleting your account": Too many promises / it confuses me too much, too many ads, privacy concerns, etc.
Retype your password. 
Then click the "Delete my account permanently" button and click "OK" to permanently delete your account.

how to delete instagram account permanently in mobile

How to delete Instagram account from PC:

Deleting your Instagram account from PC is very easy and to do this you need to follow some simple steps. First you need to connect to the official Instagram site by clicking here or typing the following address in your browser Chrome, safari, etc.:

Once you've reached the page, you'll need to enter your account details to access your profile. Right now click on the Too many promises / confuse me too much, too many ads, privacy concerns, etc. option that says "Why are you deleting your account?" Will be found in the menu. The system will ask you to enter your password again Password enter it and click "Delete my account permanently" and then "OK "to confirm your choice.

How to deactivate Instagram account from phone:

Do not want to permanently delete your account on Instagram, please note that Instagram allows you to delete your profile temporarily. That way if you have to think again in the future  you can unlock your account and start using it again.

Now let's see how to temporarily deactivate your account. Open the browser on your mobile phone (
Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc . and go to Instagram home by clicking "Qui" or type the following address in your browser.  www.instagram.com

Log in to your account in the normal way by entering your data in the required fields. 
Now click on the drop-down icon in the menu below, then click on the gear wheel at the top of the screen. After Select "Edit Profile" Than click "Temporarily Deactivate My Account".

Then "Why are you deactivating your account?" After Menu includes temporary cancellation of your account too many promises too misleading, too many ads, privacy concerns, etc.
Click on  you it If necessary, repeat your account password and click "Temporarily deactivate account". In conclusion  go to "Yes" and confirm your request.

How to deactivate Instagram account from PC

Go to Instagram home by clicking Qui or type the following address in your browser Safari, Chrome: www.instagram.com

Then click on login and enter your details: username and password to access your profile.
After logging in, click the  button at the top and then edit the profile. Edit the profile in the new page that opens, and then click Temporarily Deactivate My Account. Now from the drop-down menu indicate the reason why you are deactivating your account and then enter your password to confirm.

Finally click on Temporarily disable the account and then click Yes to confirm. You have now paused your profile. Remember that you can always go back to your original profile just by logging in with the credentials you used.

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