Disease resistance is low in winter. Due to this many complex diseases nest in the body. In particular, colds, coughs and some nasal diseases occur. Nasal allergies, nasal bleeding, polyps and adenoids, sinus problems occur.
Ear and throat specialist Dr. gave details about the symptoms and treatment of various diseases of the nose in winter. Sajal Ashfaq.
Bleeding through the nose
There are many reasons for nose bleeds. In the case of children, it is common for nosebleeds to bleed due to nasal congestion. In adults, high blood pressure causes nosebleeds. In winter, the inside of the nose dries out and the skin rises and then the nasal membranes rupture and blood can flow through the nose.
This is usually the case with chronic nasal allergies. The mucous membranes in the nose are swollen and come in different sizes like grape seeds. Nasal polyps can cause nasal congestion. In addition, sinus infections can cause headaches. This problem requires surgery. Polyps may reappear in conventional surgery. Modern endoscopic surgery has been successful in curing the disease. The condition can be controlled by using steroid spray in the initial stage.
Nasal allergies
Sinus infections
Infection of the maxillary sinuses on both sides of the nose usually occurs due to allergies and polyps in the nose. In this case headache is the main symptom. An X-ray of the sinuses gives a good idea of the disease. The disease can be cured by early use of drugs, subsequent sinus wash and end-stage endoscopic sinus surgery. Recurrent nasal inflammation in winter, sinus infections can easily occur because the nose is closed.
Many people have sore throat in winter. Tonsillitis is the main cause of this sore throat. This is basically a problem for children. Adults too. Tonsil problems include sore throat, pain when eating, slight fever etc. The first is treatment with drugs. If it happens repeatedly, tonsil surgery has to be done considering the complexity and difficulty. Tonsil surgery is at the top of the list of surgeries performed on children worldwide.
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